8 week transformation challenge
(version 2)

Not been able to get yourself motivated?
Stuck in a plateau with your weight loss?
Or need something to help kickstart your fitness regime?
Then the 8 Week Transformation Challenge is for you.

Simply download, and get started!



transform your life

Your new training program awaits you!

No gym required to take part in the 8WTC program.
Feel fitter, stronger, and sculpt your body with our fat-melting workouts. 
All demonstrations included, and your training is fully programmed for 8 weeks.

Receive our eBook right to your inbox to discover how you can transform your body through training and nutrition with our 8 Week circuit, HIIT and cardio training plan.

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✓ All workouts planned for you

✓ No equipment or gym required

✓ Kick your weight loss plateau or begin your fitness journey with the 8 Week Transformation

✓ Also includes nutrition advice and recovery sections to help you achieve your best results yet!

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✓ Builds itself up over the course of 8 weeks

✓ All exercise demonstrations included

✓ Plan specifically designed to getting you looking leaner and feeling fitter

✓ Suitable for all fitness levels