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Balance Sessions


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Where are you with your relationship to exercise right now?

😞 Are you feeling confused about how to build a routine?

😭 Do you have a few pieces of equipment at home but you’re not sure the best ways to use them?

😞 Or maybe you’re just not seeing the definition you want from only bodyweight training?

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Welcome to Balance Sessions,

My science-backed hybrid training program designed to improve your strength, and help you build lean muscle whilst shedding body fat with only your dumbbells.

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EAT RUN LIFT Balance Sessions program

What does Balance include?

  • A 24 week dumbbell-only program (access via training app)

  • Easy to follow exercise technique video tutorials

  • 7 months access to the Eat Run Lift app

  • Bonus downloadable guides that you can save or print to help keep you on track.




24 Week Dumbbell-Only Training Program


This program is for you if...

☑️ You're at any training level (workouts can be scaled)
☑️ You're looking to feel strong and incinerate body fat
☑️ You have access to a few sets of dumbbells you can use

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Hi, I'm Rachel Aust

I'm a certified nutritionist, personal trainer, and wellness coach.

One of the biggest hurdles I see people face in their training routine, and the reason for all the frustration, wasted time, and lack of results 😭is due to improper programming. How do I know this?

Because I’ve been there myself! I lived and breathed that frustration for the first couple of years of my own fitness journey.

I’ve spent the last few years coaching HUNDREDS of badass women on how to break through their weight loss and training plateaus. This is why I’ve created my Balance dumbbell-only training program. I’m giving you all my battle-tested and reliable training program structures that I use to coach my own clients!

So if you want to progress beyond bodyweight training, but you’re either not quite ready for a gym workout, you can’t access a gym right now (or you just don’t want to!) I’ve got you! This is literally your accelerator for your fitness journey.

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  • No, it’s not. In my 1-on-1 coaching I will tailor your nutrition for you completely, as well as do video calls and write your training program for you.

    This is a 24-week self-paced program that you can follow from home (or the gym) with some dumbbells. It will teach you correct technique and have you on a progressive overload program so you can create the results you’re looking for.

  • No, there is no nutrition component, this is just an exercise program.

  • Due to the instant access to copyrighted materials and downloadable nature of parts of the program, refunds will not be provided after purchase for any reason as outlined in the Terms of Use.


Ready to feel Balanced?

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