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No resolution, just



Do any of these sound familiar right now?

  • Wanting a healthier, more positive lifestyle for yourself but feeling stressed, overwhelmed, and unsure what steps to take - it seems like you’ve tried every program out there.

  • You struggle to eat well consistently - it can feel boring and restrictive and you keep going back to old patterns.

  • Exercise habits come and go and it can feel like a chore or like you need to use it to make up for food choices.

  • You’re always the first to jump in and help others, but you put yourself last and are your own harshest critic.

If you’re sitting there reading this and feeling like some of these ring true for you, don’t worry. Trust me, it gets better.

I’m here to teach you how you can use your mindset to help you on your journey with your health, to reconnect with your body and the cues it’s trying to send you, and to help develop the faith you have in yourself and your abilities.

Create confidence, strengthen your mind and body, and boost your mental clarity for your life! 

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Welcome to your Evolution

Discover what you need to maximise your potential. This mini mindset course will help you break out of negative thought patterns, boost your confidence and improve your emotional intelligence so that you can stay focused and motivated to pursue your dreams and goals.

Help yourself level up in just 5 to 10 minutes a day.

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What can Evolution
do for you?

Evolution is specifically designed to help you work through your subconscious behaviours and patterns. 

  • The guided meditations will help you relax your body and mind and increase your confidence, 

  • The daily audio lessons will help gain clarity on your goals, and move you past the road blocks that have been getting in the way of your health and fitness routines and lifestyle goals,

  • The daily journal will help you break through negative thinking setbacks and ditch self-sabotage and limiting self-beliefs, and

  • After 21 days you will have created a new routine and know what drives you to look after your own wellbeing.

Nutrition and exercise are only two facets of a much bigger puzzle, and I truly believe that to make this lifestyle last you must tap into what makes you tick and your beliefs and attitudes behind what you do.

Evolution will gently guide you through the roadblocks that you’ve dealt with previously, and help make lasting changes in the way you approach your nutrition choices, lifestyle habits and your exercise routine.

You deserve to feel energetic, healthy, strong, and confident in your own skin! 




What’s included with

✔ 21 day course with audio lessons unlocking each day

✔ 21 days of mindfulness meditations

✔ Worksheets designed to help you find clarity and level up

✔ 3 months course access




Throughout the 21 days you will: guided, for about 10 minutes each day, with audio lessons, meditations, and journal activities curated to gently evolve you to a new way of thinking.

  • Everything you need to set up your goals and framework for success this year. After this week you will know exactly what you want to work towards.

    Day 1 - You Can Change Your Life
    Day 2 - You Don't Have To Be Perfect
    Day 3 - Everyone Gets Stuck Sometimes
    Day 4 - What Do You Focus On?
    Day 5 - Go Forward Confidently
    Day 6 - How Do You Define Success?
    Day 7 - Unpacking Your Values

  • After you’ve created clarity all last week it’s time to get you ready to take MASSIVE action.

    Day 8 - Creating Growth Thoughts
    Day 9 - The Wise Mind
    Day 10 - The True Nature of Levelling Up
    Day 11 - How To Develop Better Habits
    Day 12 - Take Responsibility
    Day 13 - Overcoming Distraction
    Day 14 - Vision Point

  • Now we will create seamless habits that make this next level version of you maintainable… your Evolution.

    Day 15 - Unconsciously Skilled
    Day 16 - One Decision
    Day 17 - Find the Right People
    Day 18 - Removing Judgements
    Day 19 - What Will You Wear?
    Day 20 - Lifestyle Construction
    Day 21 - Step Into Yourself

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Join Evolution

Evolution includes access to the course for 3 months! As soon as you confirm your order, you will receive instructions on how to access the course and begin preparing for Day 1.

Enrolment is currently closed,
get notified to join the next live round:

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