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Go from ‘nothing works for me’  
to discovering how to reverse
your PCOS symptoms naturally!

Free eBook Shows You How to combat PCOS
symptoms with easy to follow meals
and tips … using my proven formula!


What’s included:

✔ Get an easy meal idea sheet that you can draw ideas from to help reverse PCOS symptoms, lose fat, and start to feel in control of your own body again.

✔ Learn the best foods to always have on hand in your pantry to get the most out of your nutrition.

✔ Discover what kind of PCOS you have and how this impacts what approach you should use treat your symptoms.

✔ Stop feeling out of control with your body and learn how to manage your PCOS, for good!


Are you ready to take back control from PCOS?

As a certified Nutritionist, Personal Trainer, and Wellness Coach (who also has PCOS!) I have met hundreds of women who feel like they are running around in circles trying to get their Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome symptoms under control.

I get it! I have been there myself.


I had bad skin.

My cycle was irregular.

I couldn’t lose weight (it didn’t seem to matter what I did, it wouldn’t budge).

I was always fatigued.

And it was so frustrating!!

But now.. I no longer deal with any of this! Sure PCOS does not have a ‘cure’ but that doesn’t mean you can get rid of your frustrating symptoms!

My skin is great, I have way more energy, and my body composition has completely shifted.


Not only that, but I have personally helped hundreds of incredible women treat their PCOS symptoms naturally!


 In The PCOS Action Plan, you will find answers you have been looking for!

I created the Action Plan because I receive many questions from women who are confused about what steps to take next when it comes to treating their PCOS.

There is SO much misinformation on the internet and it can be frustrating and overwhelming when you’re not sure what to eat, you don’t know what exercise to do, and you’re just trying to get on with your life and feel healthy in your body!

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 What’s in the
PCOS Action Plan:

1 - PCOS Explained

Although it is called polycystic ovarian syndrome, the 'cysts' have very little to do with the condition. In The PCOS Action Plan you will learn exactly what PCOS is and how the symptoms show up in your body!

2 - Root causes of PCOS

When diagnosed with PCOS we are commonly led to believe that the high male hormones are the problem and we need focus on lowering those hormones. Many doctors will strongly push women just to jump on hormonal contraceptive pills to ‘fix’ the problem, only creating more problems for later on and not actually treating it now. In the PCOS Action Plan I cover the main root causes of PCOS so you can identify which one you may have and learn how to alleviate your symptoms.

3 - Best and worst foods for PCOS

Many of the fad diets women often try are not sustainable, and it’s understandable why they do, because it feels so frustrating when your body won’t respond the way others seem to! When balancing hormones the right foods along with the correct amount is vital. In the PCOS Action plan I break down some key foods to include regularly in your nutrition, and some foods to minimise your consumption of.

4 - 3 Day Meal Ideas Plan

I’ve put together some sample recipes and daily plans with nutrient-dense, high fibre and high protein meals to help support your body while you are making the necessary lifestyle changes to help alleviate your PCOS symptoms. Includes add-on meal ideas for women who need a high calorie intake (because we aren’t all the same and you shouldn’t be trying to live off 1200 calories a day)!


 Download the free eBook: