I recommend saving a blank version of this worksheet so that you can use a new one each month. If you have a coach this data will be very useful for them to see.
The ‘calorie’ segment is not editable so that we can manually calculate targets and calories off your macros (to help prevent rounding). This will allow us to have a more accurate read of overall calorie consumption.
If you weigh yourself regularly a weekly average will generate in the ‘average’ segment. Remember, weight is only 1 data-set out of the many we use and it can fluctuate for any number of reasons.
Period tracker is used with a drop-down menu.
Cardio amount is entered in minutes and the weekly total will automatically convert this to hours for you.
Meal diary segment is optional, but can be useful if you eat similar things each day and don’t want to re-track in a macro-tracking app. You can just copy what you ate another day.
Compliance to calories and protein should ideally sit within the 95-105% range. Anything under/over this number means you are off-track from your targets.
If you feel confused about where your calories/macros should sit or are not achieving the results you think you should be please consider applying for my Premium Coaching service and I will help you trouble-shoot where the discrepancy may be coming from.