GET LEAN eBook: Exercise Ectomorph

GET LEAN eBook: Exercise Ectomorph

Sale Price:USD 29.95 Original Price:USD 39.95

Exercise isn’t a one size fits all solution, there isn’t a quick fix and the easiest options are usually the ones that leave us back at square one. GET LEAN by Eat Run Lift is a training program designed for women who want to get serious about exercising and seeing results. Tailored into three sections for beginners, intermediates and advanced “gymmers” the GET LEAN series covers all aspects of fitness from:
*How Exercise Works
*Stretch and much more

Taking you from the start and teaching you how to nail technique and progressing into powerful sessions that will see you #gettinglean and feeling confident about hitting the gym. Don’t let the weights scare you, they are your friend and when it comes to burning fat, getting strong and toned, they are key to seeing a difference in the mirror from day one.

These programs aren’t just a one off challenge, it's a 6 month guide which will become a way of life that puts you in the front seat of your training, like having a Professional PT right by your side 24/7!  Once you have finished one stage of the program you can move on to the next and start adding your own style and techniques once you have mastered and become advanced in this eBook. 

So if you are tired of not seeing results, going to the gym and not knowing what to do or just need something to follow the GET LEAN series is for you! Teamed up with the GET LEAN: Nutrition Guide and the 8WTC eBook there is no stopping you or holding you back from feeling your happiest and fittest ever!

Just choose the book for your body type and go for it!

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