
When I started the Rachel Aust Coaching program, I knew I needed help, didn't know where to start, wasn't sure what I was doing wrong, and was hampered by bad eating habits that seemed to sabotage every ounce of progress.

I chose the Rachel Aust Coaching program because Rachel not only works with you to make the dietary and exercise changes to form better habits, she also ensures that when you finish the program, you are self-sufficient and able + have the confidence to continue on your own. Rachel's holistic approach to improved health includes recognizing current mental state and adjusting the mind, body and habits in alignment for a healthier whole. In a way, this experience wasn't just about being a better and healthier person physically, but it was also about being healthier and stronger mentally. Once I unblocked my brain, it was easier to implement the changes to reach my goals. But until I recognized the mental and physical barriers impeding my progress, identifying and making the necessary changes seemed impossible.

During the program, I was able to develop an improved mindset towards my eating choices and my exercise routines.The meal plans were custom tailored for me, and the exercise routines were achievable for my beginner level. Nothing was beyond my capabilities. But it wasn't just about adjusting my diet and exercising, this program really tackled some major mental barriers I had that were sabotaging my prior attempts. Stuff I didn't even realize was impacting my efforts.

Thanks to the Mindset coaching, reflections, and meditation, I was able to achieve a calmer state of mind away from the stressful daily grind and spend time to really contemplate and clearly reflect on my thought processes. I learned that 80% of change is in the mind - if the mind isn't open and ready for change, the body follows the resistance.

As a result of this program, I no longer use food as a feel-good crutch, It's no longer the main event of my day. I didn't even realize how much food had become a source of comfort during stress until after the program when I looked in my fridge at all the healthy choices I'd made automatically and realized I had no urge to purchase or eat empty calorie "junk food". My cravings are gone, my ice-cream addiction is vanished, and I now spend more time meal prepping and cooking my own food than I ever had. I also automatically default to healthier food choices, and automatically consider vegetable & fruit options when I'm hungry rather than carbs and foods high in empty calories.

Rachel is an excellent coach, very supportive and always responded to my numerous questions with great information and unlimited enthusiasm. When I struggled and wallowed in the problem, she asked the critical thoughtful questions prodding me to identify the answers and solutions on my own. Rachel truly coached me through the process, she never felt like a crutch, more a helping hand of guidance as I found my way. Step by step, Rachel guided me to be self-sufficient and to understand the why behind each of the changes we were making and implementing. I'm super grateful for her help during my journey to better health.

Finally, this program taught me the value of minimizing perfectionism. My main struggle has been when I set a high expectation and seem to fall short. This process really taught me about letting go of that perfectionism and instead appreciate every incremental step towards building a solid foundation for success. Loving in entirety the person I am and acting today for improving my tomorrow. I'm not perfectly following each step, and that isn't the point. The point is, I continue to apply what I've learned and even when I'm not hitting 100%, I acknowledge that getting close is good enough. Change isn't a sweeping gesture, it's incremental sustainability over time. And all I'm doing now and continue to do is make that gradual change.

That's the enlightenment that I realized and implemented through this program. I'm truly blessed to have had the opportunity to work with Rachel and am grateful that I was at that space in life where I could absorb the lessons and information readily. Rachel gave me the map, and I'm no longer lost.

testimonialtextRachel Aust