Sofia C

The past 12 weeks working with Rachel has changed my life. After moving across the country, I gained a significant amount of weight and was tired of yo-yo dieting. For the past few years, I would gain weight and then restrict myself so much that I would binge and start the cycle all over again. 

I know that I needed to change my relationship with food, learn how to treat myself from time to time rather than on a daily basis. 

When I started with Rachel I had one goal in mind, lose a lot of weight. After these weeks I’ve learned the number on the scale isn’t important but living a healthy balanced life is. Each week I would listen to Rachel’s mindset coaching and learn a new tool that helped me fix my relationship with food. My mindset has completely changed from obsessing about when I can have my next treat to telling myself I don’t need it or I need to work it off. Now I’m able to treat myself from time to time without any guilt and without binging on my treats. 

Along with mindset coaching, Rachel has taught me that my mental health is extremely important. Living life tired and stressed doesn’t help on your journey. I’ve learned to take some time out of my day for me to check in with myself. 

I’ve learned so much about how to create a well balanced meal for my body without having to restrict any food groups and only eating dry salad and carrots. 

I truly believe I now have the skills to keep up this lifestyle in the long term and make my health a priority. As I mentioned, I came into this program with one goal to lose weight, but with everything that Rachel has taught me my goal has changed to ignoring the number on the scale and listening to my body and feeding it the fuel it needs to live in a healthy manner. 

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