Breanna G

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A month living in a dorm, one family member hospitalized, another now resting in peace, and of course, COVID-19. This all happened during my last few weeks of the program.

Living overseas, COVID-19 kept my family apart. And with all of the gyms closed for social distancing, I didn't have my normal weights to use as stress relievers. Old Breanna would binge eat, sleep 9-11 hours Fri/Sat, then "nap" for 3 hours Sat/Sun for 3 hours. Even on vacations. But thanks to Rachel's premium coaching, Better Breanna now had healthier habits, more knowledge, and higher energy levels.

This journey led me to more foods that I enjoyed without putting me in a coma. They were small changes over time. It took me a long time to notice my body's difference. But now I appreciate the fewer naps. I appreciate losing 7 kg, 8cm from my waist, and 7.5cm from my chest. I appreciate increasing my weight sets: squatting 165lb, benching 115lb, and deadlifting 225lb. These small changes made it sustainable.

My after pictures were not where I wanted them to be. My life and the lives of so many others were turned upside down because of Corona. But I still uploaded them to Rachel because my body was loyal to me during the process. Rachel's mindset training taught me to appreciate myself more. So I wanted to show my body gratitude for letting me push it so hard in the gym. For waking it up in the wee hours of the morning to get a routine in before work. For tolerating trying different veggies and depriving it of junk food. And for giving me the energy to want to continue. I will maintain this healthy lifestyle. I am forever grateful that I took the plunge.