Caitlin A

“Although I had a couple bumps before getting started, working with Rachel has honestly been a dream come true! I don’t even know know where to begin.... Rachel has allowed me to regain my passion for health, fitness and cooking and for that I could not be more grateful. The amount I have learnt along the way has truly set me up for long term success. Through the past 12 weeks I have made some very big changes and lifestyle decisions that, without Rachel’s help, I don’t think I would have been able to do.

Not only do I now have a much better understanding of how to structure my workouts and nutrition but Rachel’s mindset program helped me to reconnect with myself and to find who I truly am… I am more confident in my own skin, I am more open to talking to my family which I always struggled with in the past and I have a strong sense of who I am. I have healed my relationship with myself and the world around me. I have halved my anti-depressant medication and will be coming off it in the near future and I can honestly owe it to the journey Rachel has helped me through and her mindset coaching program. 

When I started working with Rachel I was a creature of habit. I was eating similar foods, exercising similar ways but never challenging or improving my mind & body. I wasn’t going backwards but I wasn’t making progress forwards either. I wasn’t actively working to improve my relationship with food, exercise or myself because I was scared. Rachel helped me to be break that cycle, to try new things and to challenge my mind and body in so many unexpected and beneficial ways. 

Working with a coach has been something I have always wanted to do but I never found someone who truly valued my goals and intentions. I have struggled with maintaining my weight in the past and my ultimate goal is to grow and build muscle. Not only that but also to improve my hormones and heal my relationship with food. Rachel has allowed me to eat more while maintaining a wholesome diet full of foods I love and enjoy that also nourish my body in ways it needs.

I know the process of gaining muscle is not something that happens quickly and the fact that I am now eating 500+ calories more than what I use to just to maintain my weight really shows just how much I have improved my metabolism. Rachel always reminded me of all the incredible healthy habits I have incorporated into my life over the past few months and her continuous support along the way has been more incredible then I ever imagined.

And while my program is coming to an end I know this is just the start of a very exciting, journey ahead, and I cannot express how grateful I am for everything Rachel has done 🥰”