Lisa D

Working with Rachel Aust has been such an uplifting experience! I’m no stranger to personal coaches and fitness programs, but never have I worked with anyone who so completely integrates the trifecta of fitness, nutrition, and mindset. 

I applied for Rachel’s one-on-one coaching program, when I was feeling pretty low. I was emotionally, physically, and mentally exhausted from life and had been unsuccessful in losing any weight in a long time. I know how to train and have always eaten healthy, but I didn’t know the best way to eat for my body to actually see any progress.

One of the biggest reasons I was attracted to Rachel’s program is that everything is based on science. Before you even begin the official program, she spends time getting to know you - your nutrition, habits, lifestyle, etc. So the program she creates for you is totally custom - absolutely no cookie cutter programs here. She uses the collected data to create a comprehensive program that will work for you AND she teaches you how to do this yourself, which is one of the many reasons Rachel stands apart from other coaches. She helps you help yourself and sets you up for success long after the program is over.

About two to three weeks into my program, the pandemic hit. My gym closed and food availability was spotty in grocery stores. I was so panicked and disappointed because I couldn’t complete any of the workouts for the program and didn’t have many of the ingredients needed for my meal plan. Without missing a beat, Rachel calmed me down and wrote a whole new fitness program for me that I could complete at home with little-to-no equipment, and also amended my meal plan to work with what I did have. I don’t know anyone else that would go to the lengths that Rachel goes to for her clients. 

Although at the end of the program (still in quarantine!) I haven’t seen as much physical definition that I would have if I could have been lifting weights, I did still manage to lose some weight and inches (which is completely amazing considering my activity levels have significantly lowered without the gym!). But more importantly I just feel better. One of the major goals Rachel and I set at the beginning of the program was to improve on my overall energy. I can honestly say that my energy is SO much better day-to-day and I’ve been sleeping through the night for months now (where I used to wake up two to three times a night, every night). These non-physical gains are something that I never achieved working with other coaches or training on my own.

I feel like I can go on and on about Rachel! She’s smart, supportive, calming, compassionate. Whenever I felt overwhelmed or like I couldn’t do something, I’d talk to Rachel and the problems seemed to melt away. If something’s not working, she helps you fix it and find a way that will. Her presence is so relaxing, yet absolutely motivating and inspiring. I don’t know what I would have done without her these past few months. 

If you’re thinking about working with Rachel, don’t hesitate. It will be the best experience and one of the best decisions you can make for yourself.