
Rachel's program surprised me.

I didn't realise how much it would help me to train my mindset, to change it, and to create better habits in my life.

I was forced to observe my lifestyle.

What I was doing vs what I actually wanted and envisioned.

Not only did I learn about nutrition and gym workouts, but the Mindset Program gave me the structure & discipline to understand my own life.

I came to a huge realisation that it was actually my work life that was making my lifestyle so difficult to maintain.

Changing this has made my life so much happier.

I'm not one to ever want to talk about myself or be in the spotlight. By just taking this step with Rachel, hearing her calming voice, it has really helped me understand my own voice in my head. She gave me the platform to excel, understand, and trust in a process.

I will always be grateful for her.

testimonialsRachel Aust