Posts tagged goals
Life is a game of choices: Choose your hard

Life is a journey filled with countless choices, and each decision we make contributes to the path we ultimately follow. As a nutritionist and fitness coach, I’m acutely aware that when it comes to health and well-being, individuals face a multitude of choices. These choices often boil down to selecting the "hard" they're willing to embrace on their journey to improved health and fitness.

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2023 Goals: How I Plan, Track & Achieve My Goals

Now is the time of year when you’ll probably get online and be bombarded with people sharing their goals, or telling you what you should focus on for the year and why it should matter to you.

Instead of making a piece about “healthy habits you should incorporate” or “things to focus on this year” I thought it would be more beneficial if I instead shared my methods for setting goals and structuring my year in a way that makes things achievable without adding stress to my day.

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