5 Healthy Chocolate Recipes to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

5 Healthy Chocolate Recipes to Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

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Let’s be fair, chocolate is a year-round delight. It’s not just a comfort food for our Winter blues, a treat we get at Easter or something that is on the table at Christmas time.

Here at Eat Run Lift, we’ve been compiling recipes for over 5 years, and chocolate has always made its way into our dessert agendas in one form or another. Let me share with you our top 5 healthy chocolate recipes to satisfy your sweet tooth!

This recipe makes 12 slices.

Per slice - 488 Cals

Carbs 50g / Fat 31g / Protein 8g

This recipe is relatively easy to put together if you have a blender of some type or a food processor. A delicious base with key ingredients of dates, cashes, coconut and macadamias not to mention the more-ish ganache on top. Warning in advance, it is totally delish so make sure you share - perfect for that end-of-year dinner party!

Note: There’s no accurate macro info because it really depends on how much you have!

This. Is. So. Easy.

Like 0 out of 5 on the difficulty scale.. unless you are damn awful at melting chocolate. You guessed it, you melt the chocolate, sprinkle coconut and almond flakes over the top and freeze before consuming! This is simple enough to adjust to your liking as well - add in candied ginger and or dried cranberries if you have an extra sweet tooth.

This recipe makes 1 serving.

Per bowl - 254 Cals

Carbs 30.5g / Fat 7.9g / Protein 15.2g

This recipe is great for those with a sweet tooth but also wanting to stay within specific macros. We love sharing this one with our Premium Coaching clients! Fairly simple, stir all of the ingredients, bake in the microwave for less than 1 minute and you’re sorted!

This recipe makes 6 servings.

Per serve - 164 Cals

Carbs 20.9g / Fat 6.8g / Protein 3.4g

A staple for you granola lovers out there - this is delish! I love mine on top of coconut yoghurt. Literally no words, give it a try.

This recipe makes 12 servings.

Per serve - 197 Cals

Carbs 2g / Fat 19g / Protein 3g

This recipe won’t suit everyone as it was created with those following a ketogenic or high fat diet. In saying that, how good is fudge. There’s something so nostalgic about it. Add a drop of mint or orange to give this recipe a new life.