Easy Ways To Increase Your Step Count


Easy Ways To Increase Your Step Count

Incorporating more steps into your daily routine is a fantastic way to improve your overall health and well-being. Whether you're aiming to boost your fitness, lose weight, or simply add more movement to your day, increasing your step count can make a significant difference. In this blog post, we'll explore eight practical and creative ways to elevate your step count effortlessly.

1 - Lunch Break Walks:

Make the most of your lunch break by taking a brisk walk around your workplace or nearby park. Not only will this increase your step count, but it will also provide a refreshing break from your desk and boost your energy levels for the rest of the day.

2 - Modify Your Commute:

If you commute using public transportation, consider hopping off a stop earlier or boarding a stop later. This small change can add a substantial number of steps to your daily routine. Not only will you get more exercise, but you may also discover interesting sights and experiences along the way.

3 - Walk While on the Phone:

Take advantage of phone calls by turning them into an opportunity for movement. Instead of sitting idly, stroll around your home or office while engaging in your conversations. This simple habit can accumulate steps effortlessly throughout the day.

4 - Explore Different Walking Routes:

If you have errands to run or need to get somewhere nearby, vary your walking routes. Discovering new paths not only keeps things interesting but also helps you accumulate more steps. Challenge yourself to explore different neighbourhoods, parks, or scenic areas while going about your daily tasks

5 - Desk Treadmill:

Consider incorporating a desk treadmill into your workspace setup. These innovative devices allow you to walk at a slow pace while working, providing a continuous boost to your step count throughout the day. Many studies have highlighted the benefits of using a desk treadmill, such as increased productivity and improved cardiovascular health.

Want to see my desk tour and set up? You can find it over in the MORE+ Membership:

6 - House Cleaning Workout:

Transform your cleaning routine into a calorie-burning exercise session. Blast your favorite music and vigorously clean your house, engaging in activities like vacuuming, mopping, dusting, and scrubbing. Not only will your living space be spotless, but you'll also rack up extra steps in the process

7 - Park Further Away:

When driving to destinations such as work, shopping centres, or social gatherings, purposely park your car further away from the entrance. Walking those additional steps may seem insignificant, but they can contribute significantly to your overall step count over time.

8 - Arrive Early and Stroll:

Instead of rushing to your appointments or meetings, plan to arrive a few minutes early. Use this extra time to take a leisurely stroll around the area. Not only will you squeeze in some extra steps, but you'll also feel more relaxed and prepared for your engagements.

9 - Embrace Stairs Over Escalators:

Whenever possible, opt for the stairs instead of escalators or elevators. Climbing stairs is an excellent way to engage your leg muscles, boost your heart rate, and burn calories. Challenge yourself to take the stairs whenever you have the chance and watch your step count soar.

Incorporating more steps into your daily routine doesn't have to be a daunting task. By implementing these simple and creative strategies, such as lunch break walks, modifying your commute, and embracing stairs over escalators, you can effortlessly increase your step count. Remember, every step counts, and small changes can make a big difference in your overall health and well-being. So, lace up your shoes, step out, and enjoy the many benefits of an active lifestyle!

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