Simple Product Switches To Support Your Health & Hormones


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Simple Product Switches To Support Your Health

Have you been considering switching to more natural products? Every day we use products on our hair, face, body and in our home. But the majority of the man-made chemicals found in these products have not been safely tested for human health!

It’s time to look at why switching to more natural products is beneficial for your health and how you can get started.

Why switch to natural products?

First up, let’s tackle why it’s best to move to low-tox or non-toxic products.

Whenever chemicals enter the body via the skin or digestive tract, they have to be processed through the liver and detoxified. Now our liver does a great job of this when its load is reasonable. But when you’re putting hundreds of these through your system on top of other things such as hormones, medications, caffeine and alcohol, it can struggle to process everything.

If your liver load is too high, you may notice symptoms such as more acne breakouts. This is because your body tries to eliminate it through an alternative channel – the skin. You may also experience a loss of appetite, nausea and pain or discomfort in the upper-right area of your abdomen.

But it’s not just the liver that feels the strain. Many of the man-made chemicals that are in the products we use every day can have negative health effects. For example, they can:

·       Increase inflammation in the body

·       Put you at a higher risk of developing cancer

·       Reduce fertility in both men and women

·       Impair the growth and development during pregnancy, infancy and early childhood

·       Throw off the balance of sex hormones, thyroid hormones and stress hormones

·       Be linked to serious health conditions including diabetes, autoimmune disease, heart disease and obesity

There is also potential for them to contribute to more subtle symptoms such as fatigue, digestive symptoms, weight gain and flare-ups in chronic conditions.

Simple switches to try

Looking to reduce the amount of man-made chemicals you’re using in your everyday life? Let’s take a look at some easy switches you can make to reduce your exposure.

Now I do just want to remind you here – this is not about doing everything at once or completely avoiding every single chemical and additive out there! You don’t need to throw out everything you already own. Instead, make the switch whenever you run out of a product. You also might need to try a few different brands before you find the right one for your preferences and lifestyle.

Shampoo & conditioner

Ever thought about what is in your shampoo and conditioner? Many have become aware of the issues of products containing silicone when it comes to how your hair feels. But there are other ingredients such as detergents that can also cause issues with your hair, scalp and skin.

Shampoo and conditioner can also include sulphates, parabens, artificial fragrance and triclosan. These can interfere with hormones, irritate skin and some are potential carcinogens.

Looking for alternatives? Popular natural brands include Biologika, Dr Bronners and Andalou Naturals. You may also like to try shampoo and conditioner bars, as well as using more natural options for styling and treatments.


No one wants to smell sweaty all of the time! But there are some problematic ingredients that are often used in deodorants, particularly anti-perspirant deodorants.

Aluminium is used to block your sweat pores and prevent the sweat from exiting the body. First up, this is not great as sweat happens for a reason! But there are also concerns about the links between aluminium and conditions such as dementia, Alzheimer’s and breast cancer.

Once you add in other common ingredients such as triclosan and parabens that can interfere with hormones, you can see why switching over might be a good idea.

Popular brands for natural deodorant include Black Chicken, No Pong and Lavera. Keep in mind, some brands will be in the form of a paste that you rub under your arms, and others will be in a roll-on or spray form.

Skincare products

It seems like many of us are using more skincare products than ever. On top of the old-school three step process, we’re also using serums, eye creams, spot treatments, masks and sunscreen!

Unfortunately, the more products you use on your skin, the higher your exposure to these potentially problematic man-made chemicals. Phthalates, parabens, triclosan and fragrance are all common ingredients in skincare products. These can disrupt your hormones, as well as potentially irritating and inflaming your skin.

Popular natural brands you can check out include Living Nature, Weleda, Pai and Inika.


Cosmetics are bigger than ever, with many using dozens of products to achieve their preferred look and style. But many contain ingredients that irritate the skin, eyes and lungs, as well as those that interfere with hormones and increase cancer risk – although many are considered to be at ‘acceptable’ levels. Some makeup options such as mineral foundation and lipstick can also contain heavy metals such as lead.

There’s also a trend towards purchasing overseas products via online shopping, which means that the products you’re using may not have the same regulations in place to protect you. If you want to use beauty products from overseas, make sure you only purchase those that list their ingredients!

Some popular natural brands to try include Ere Perez, Miessence and Dr Hauschka.

Fake tan

When the concerns of sun exposure kept people from sunbaking, fake tan became the healthier alternative. But now it turns out that sunless tanning can carry just as many health risks.

Fake tan products contain chemicals including DHA, hormone-disrupting chemicals such as parabens, and known and suspected carcinogens such as triclosan and formaldehyde releasers.

Because of how fake tan works, it’s not possible to find a product that is free of DHA – it’s what causes your skin to turn brown. However, you can find options that contain natural DHA (rather than synthetic).

Popular low-tox brands include Eco Tan and Kora Organics.

 These are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to your options! You may also like to explore healthier alternatives to your cleaning products, non-stick cookware, plastic containers and even furniture, building materials and paint.

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While we make every effort to make sure the information in this website is accurate and informative, the information does not take the place of medical advice.