
My name is Luisa. I'm 31 years young and I finished my 1:1 Mindset Coaching Program 4 weeks ago.

One and a half years ago I fulfilled my dream of becoming a teacher. I used to be a very active person and I used to eat quite healthy before I started to teach.

My first year was quite a disappointment. My students' parents were a nightmare to work with and my team was not helpful at all.

The worst thing was, I started to let myself go. I could not find any motivation to train, to take care of my meals and my unhappiness grew. All in all: I felt like in a downwards spiral.

Thanks to Rachel I started to change my mindset and I was able to put myself first and set my health as a priority.

The most amazing thing was, that losing weight and 'looking a certain way' was not what I wanted anymore. I changed my focus into becoming stronger, lifting more, eating healthier foods and feeling more energised and happy again.

As a result of all of this: The opinion of my work colleagues and other people did not matter anymore. I learned how to tell myself: I am enough; I am strong and I am worth it to be happy.

The 12 weeks were quite a ride. But hey! I would do it again!

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