Weight Loss Isn’t JUST Made in the Gym

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20 Ways to Lose Weight Without the Gym!

I’m sure over the last year you have experienced some bumps in your health journey due to the unpredictable nature of public facilities and what you have access to right now. So much emphasis is always placed on workouts “Fat burning core workout”, “leg slimming workout” - I’m sure you’ve seen the kind I’m talking about. They’re all over YouTube, and without correct nutrition they’re mostly ineffective.

There are a number of studies that can back me up, when I say that going to the gym is not the only way to lose weight. I’ve written a list of 20 ways to lose weight without the gym! This doesn’t mean I’m against going to the gym - if you know me, you’ll know this is one of my highlights of my day, and one of the things that motivates me to get moving. From the amenities available, to the community that is often built in a gym - gyms are totally convenient when it comes to moving your body! Although right now they’re not open everywhere! So if you are on a weight loss journey take note of these tips.

The list that I’ve included are things that I’ve learnt along the way through my personal weight loss journey and implement in the way that I educate my online coaching clients.

1. Calorie Deficit

This is a reduction of the amount of calories consumed, compared to the amount of calories required for maintenance of your current body weight. This means that the calories going in are less than the calories you are outputting through your daily activities.
You can monitor this with a tracking app, or simply choose smaller portions.

2. 10,000 Steps

This is just a basic guideline for how many steps you should take in a day, and it equals out to be approximately 400-500 additional calories burnt. In Australia, less than 1 in 5 people are hitting this target! Add more steps into your day by parking further away from work or the shops, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking your pets daily (do the block twice if you need to!), or even taking extra breaks away from your desk at school or work.

3. Home Workouts

Never mind the gym if you can’t get to one right now, there are plenty of online resources for free workouts or app’s that you can sign up for. We offer a premium online coaching service that has an app with all of your personally prescribed workouts on there for you to do at home (or at the gym, of course).

4. Improve Your Sleep Habits

Our body makes more ghrelin and less leptin when we don’t get enough sleep. Leptin is a hormone that is released from fat cells which suppresses hunger and signals fullness in the brain [1]. The less sleep, the more likely you are going to feel hungry. 

5. Drink Your Coffee Black

If you’re a coffee drinker, switch to drinking it with no milk (or creamer, whatever it is that tickles your fancy). Steer clear of sugars and/or syrup add-ins and opt. for no calorie sweeteners instead, such as erythritol or xylitol.

6. Take a Water Bottle With You

Did you know that sometimes when your body sends you a hunger cue, you’re actually thirsty? It also aids your liver to cleanse your body of waste and can actually help if you have a problem with water retention.

7. Prepare Your Lunch

Knowing what you’re eating ahead of time can help you to not only save money but also save time. You’ll most likely be helping your calorie intake as well! I have a library over on my YouTube channel full of meal prep ideas.

8. Take Your Lunch Break

While we’re on the topic of lunch, don’t forget to take your lunch break! Taking a lunch break will increase your productivity and can give you some extra time to get some movement in. Although we don’t all have the same work hours or situations, try to give yourself at least a 20 minute break at some time during your work day.

9. Listen to Your Body

If you’re feeling full and you’re almost finished with your meal, that’s a sign that you need to stop eating. Same goes for feeling any discomfort from eating, this could even be an underlying sign of an intolerance which could very well be slowing down your weight loss.

10. Be Mindful When Eating Out

Sure, sometimes it is impossible to avoid eating out, especially when it comes to catching up with friends and family. You can still stick to your calorie and macro goals by researching the menu ahead of time, and opting for a side salad or vegetables instead of chips.

11. Down Size Your Meals

This can be as easy as eating from a side plate instead of a dinner plate, not just when it comes to ordering take away meals and drinks.

12. Serve Yourself

When it comes to eating meals with other people, sometimes they’ll be the ones to plate up - and that’s ok, but if you can help it, serve yourself. This means you won’t be likely to over-eat and can load up on nutritious vegetables and salads rather than a double serve of Aunt Rita’s potato bake.

13. Consider Your Oil Intake

Believe me, there is a huuuggeee difference between using a spray oil and using actual oil from a bottle. When it comes to what type of oils to cook with (or dress salads with), I personally would choose extra virgin olive oil as it is rich in monounsaturated fats rather than saturated fats. This improves blood cholesterol levels, regulates blood sugar, and in-turn can decrease your risk of heart disease and risk of type 2 diabetes.

14. Stash Snacks

Don’t take this the wrong way, but stash them snacks. I like to have a small container of almonds with me when I go out, or a protein bar hidden in my gym bag. This means I will be less likely to reach for something unhealthy if I’m out and about.

15. Talk a Walk Outside

As above, take a walk outside! Regular walks in nature can improve your nervous system and reduce tension, hostility and depression. Whether it’s around your neighbourhood, along the beach, going for a hike, or you could also go for a bike ride, skate or play tennis outdoors for extra activity.

16. Optimise Your Shelf Space

Where you keep your ingredients in your pantry and fridge can make a big difference to what you reach for. Keep your healthier options at an eye level, and anything less healthy either above or below.

17. Stock Your Freezer

I find it really beneficial to have frozen vegetables available and stocked up in my freezer for easy lunches and dinners. It can also be handy to freeze meats and other fresh produce so that you will always have something available to eat if you’re in between grocery shops.

18. Reduce or Cut Out Alcohol

Alcohol is literally empty calories and can stop your body from burning fat, make you feel hungry and can lead to poor food choices.

19. Be Mindful of Screen Time

It’s important to be mindful of how much screen time you are consuming as this can indicate that you have an inactive lifestyle. Watching TV especially during prime time increases your exposure to marketing of food and drinks that promote weight gain, such as fast food. If you’re already settled in for a big night of television consumption, the more likely you are to use a food delivery app!

20. Relax

Reducing your stress (and cortisol levels) can help you to lose weight. This includes stressing less about the number on your scales! If you find it difficult to relax, try meditation, yoga, or even a nice warm bath.

I hope these 20 tips will help you see options beyond the gym to help you lose weight.

Let us share more tips to help you with your personal health journey!


[1] S. Taheri, L. Lin, D. Austin, T. Young, E. Mignot, 2004, Short Sleep Duration is Associated with Reduced Leptin, Elevated Ghrelin, and Increased Body Mass Index, PLos Med, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC535701/