Posts in Fitness
Overcoming Gym Anxiety: Strategies for Managing Fear of Judgment

Here are some tips to help gym anxiety for beginners. Don´t worry, this anxiety doesn´t usually last! But the start can be difficult, and we would hope that these tips can help you pass the initial hesitation that could keep you from a long lasting amazing relationship with one of the best tools towards physical health we have, which is strength training at the gym!

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Hormonal Health and Weight Loss: Finding the Right Balance

Hormonal health is intricately connected to weight management, and understanding this relationship is key to finding the right balance on your weight loss journey. We want to hit those goals without losing periods, losing hair, developing bad skin, or exacerbating our stress response.

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Celebrating Non-Scale Victories: Beyond the Numbers in Fitness

I get it, it's easy to become fixated on the numbers—the digits on the scale that seem to hold the key to success. However, true wellness extends far beyond what those numbers convey. Let’s look at the diverse and profound achievements that often go unnoticed when our focus is solely on weight.

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Train Smarter: Crafting Your Perfect Training Split

Achieving your dream physique requires years of dedication, hard work, and a willingness to experiment with various approaches. While experts can offer recommendations on exercises, sets-and-reps schemes, and training techniques, the ultimate judge of their effectiveness is you.

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