The Best Ways to Manage Sugar Cravings NATURALLY

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Do you find yourself constantly craving sweet, high-sugar foods? Craving sweet foods can be your body’s natural response when you need more energy to fuel your body. 

But in some cases, you might find that you reach for sweet treats even when you’re not hungry, or when you know you would be better off fuelling up with wholefoods.

This could be due to an imbalance such as insulin resistance or PCOS, or it could be emotion or stress-related.

If you are looking to manage your sugar cravings naturally, there are some simple steps you can take.

Focus on protein and fibre

When people want to ‘quit sugar’, they focus on taking out sweet foods. But what is more important is what you include in your diet.

When it comes to minimising cravings, the two star macronutrients are protein and fibre.

This comes down to your blood sugar levels, which is the most common cause of sugar cravings.

When you eat something that is rich in carbohydrates and sugars, your blood sugars will spike. In response to this, insulin will store away as much sugar as possible, leading to a ‘crash’.

This crash is where you typically get hangry and crave sweet foods.

This is where protein and fibre come in to save the day.

Protein slows the absorption of sugar from the food that you eat, giving you steadier blood sugar levels over a longer period of time. Similarly, fibre slows the digestion process and increases your sense of satiety. This means fewer cravings and better energy levels throughout the day.

Include a source of protein and fibre at every meal to keep you feeling satiated and reduce your cravings.

Avoid artificial sweeteners

Have you tried to ditch your sweet tooth by opting for artificially sweetened foods and drinks? If so, you might be sabotaging your efforts.

Artificial sweeteners can encourage sugar cravings through repeated exposure to the sweet flavours. So although you think you are doing the right thing by removing sugar-sweetened foods, you are actually training your brain to demand more sweet treats.

Many studies also suggest that artificial sweetener use is associated with weight gain over time. This may be due to the sweeteners themselves, or that they are added to highly processed empty-calorie foods.

So if your goal is to drop some weight as well as get your sugar cravings under control, artificial sweeteners are not your best option for satisfying your sweet tooth.

Prioritise sleep

Poor sleep can also affect your blood sugar regulation. Even a single night of partial sleep deprivation (around 4 hours) can cause temporary insulin resistance in healthy people

This can lead to sugar cravings, increased hunger and making less healthy food choices the next day. So you can imagine what will happen with your blood sugar regulation if you have multiple nights of poor or short sleep.

Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep per night. The goal is for you to wake up feeling refreshed, not sluggish or wishing you could sleep for longer.

Add some spices

Do you love to add spices to your food? It might help to reduce your sugar cravings naturally. Although we only use small amounts of spices in our food, they can have a big impact on our blood sugar levels. 

There is evidence to suggest that cinnamon, ginger, fenugreek seeds and vanilla can all help to reduce elevated blood sugar levels. This helps to prevent the sugar ‘crash’ and the resulting sugar cravings.

Looking for inspiration for adding these spices to your meals? Give my Cinnamon Protein Rice Pudding, Spiced Apple Quinoa Porridge or Cashew Chicken Stir Fry a try.  

Indulge mindfully

Eliminating all sweet foods is often a recipe for failure. If you cut out all of the foods that you love most, you are more likely to increase your psychological cravings for sugar

Even when I was following a ketogenic protocol for my PCOS, I still included keto-friendly sweets such as Coconut & Almond Fat Bombs and No-Bake Macadamia Pecan Slice. This allowed me to stick to my macronutrient goals without feeling deprived.

When you do choose to have something sweet, savour it and ditch the guilt.

It is not about the foods that you choose to enjoy occasionally – it’s about what you put in your body consistently that makes a difference.

If you love treats, it can be tough to reduce your sugar intake. But you can still indulge in delicious desserts that are naturally low in sugar thanks to my recipe ebook Low Sugar Sweet Treats

You’ll discover 30 recipes that not only taste amazing, but are also easy to make and are packed full of nutrition. To find your new favourite sweet treat, download your copy here.



Hey there, I’m Rachel!


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