Posts tagged exercise
Train Smarter: Crafting Your Perfect Training Split

Achieving your dream physique requires years of dedication, hard work, and a willingness to experiment with various approaches. While experts can offer recommendations on exercises, sets-and-reps schemes, and training techniques, the ultimate judge of their effectiveness is you.

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Life is a game of choices: Choose your hard

Life is a journey filled with countless choices, and each decision we make contributes to the path we ultimately follow. As a nutritionist and fitness coach, I’m acutely aware that when it comes to health and well-being, individuals face a multitude of choices. These choices often boil down to selecting the "hard" they're willing to embrace on their journey to improved health and fitness.

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No Pain No Gain

It's either your first session or you haven't exercised in a while and you're thinking, "Awesome! This is the start of my journey to a better body"...... Then the next day comes and you get out of bed feeling like you have been hit by a bus! Welcome to the world of Delayed Onset Muscle Sorness, or DOMS for short. I have seen so many people fail and stop a program because of the unfamiliar experience. Like they say NO PAIN NO GAIN...

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