Simple Habits To De-Stress And Feel Your Best

Do you feel overwhelmed, always busy and just not quite right? Life can get hectic sometimes, and stress builds up as a result. While it would be great to take some time off, it’s not always a realistic option. So instead, let’s focus on the little daily habits that can help you to ease your stress and feel your best again.

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Weight Training Tips for Hypermobile People

Do you have hypermobility? Increased mobility in the joints can affect the way that you respond to training, and there are considerations you need to think about. By taking the right approach to weight training, you can not only reduce your risk of injury while working out, but also protect your body from injury in the long term.

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Matcha Mousse

This matcha mousse is light and airy yet rich and creamy, plus it looks great in an elegant dessert glass. Moreover, it’s sugar-free! Each spoonful highlights the earthy, mellow grassy flavour matcha has to offer, and erythritol’s sweetness complements those signature notes.

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Why It’s Time To Break Up With ‘Busy’

When someone asks how you are, do you find yourself answering, ‘busy’? Being busy is seen as being a productive member of society. But is hustling all the time and never having time to enjoy life really how you want to live your life?

Let’s take a look at why busy isn’t the goal, and how to be efficient and focused without falling into the hustle trap.

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Stop Changing Your Training Every Week!

Have you heard that you should keep switching up your routine to ‘keep your muscles guessing’? Muscle confusion is often pushed as a theory for speeding up your progress, but the truth is that constantly changing your training program will have the opposite effect.

Let’s discuss the five reasons why changing your training too frequently can sabotage your progress, rather than support it.

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Signs You’re Under-Fuelling Your Body

People often talk about the effects of eating too much – but did you know that undereating is just as problematic? If you’re on a health & fitness journey, it can be easy to slip into under-fuelling your body. But this can lead to some significant impacts on your health.

So how do you know if you’re not eating enough to support your goals? There are several signs that are red flags to watch out for.

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How To Build Confidence & Overcome Shyness

Do you wish you had more confidence and could feel comfortable in who you are? Low confidence isn’t just about your physical appearance, nor can it be remedied with nutrition and training alone. It comes down to the underlying mindset and self-talk you have around yourself. Here are the tips that helped me to build my confidence.

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Build Your Perfect Training Plan (Without Burning Out!)

Want to create a training plan that will help you to achieve your fitness goals this year? It’s common for people to get caught in the whirlwind of New Year’s resolutions, and go too hard, too quickly. The right exercise plan for you is one that has a realistic balance between your current lifestyle and the training you want to implement.

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2023 Goals: How I Plan, Track & Achieve My Goals

Now is the time of year when you’ll probably get online and be bombarded with people sharing their goals, or telling you what you should focus on for the year and why it should matter to you.

Instead of making a piece about “healthy habits you should incorporate” or “things to focus on this year” I thought it would be more beneficial if I instead shared my methods for setting goals and structuring my year in a way that makes things achievable without adding stress to my day.

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Tips for Eating Out Healthily: Decoding Restaurant Menus

Do you know the difference between the various cooking techniques used at your favourite restaurant or café? When you look at a menu, it’s not just about the ingredients they list. The cooking style used can indicate whether it’s a healthy option, or if it includes additional high-calorie ingredients such as oil.

It’s important to understand the different cooking techniques, as it allows you to make informed choices about what you’re eating.

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