8 Breakfast Ideas For Insulin Resistance


8 Breakfast Ideas For Insulin Resistance

Do you have insulin resistance? If so, you want to focus on eating balanced meals that help to improve your insulin sensitivity and balance your blood sugar levels. By starting off with a blood sugar friendly breakfast, you’re off to a great start to your day!

Let’s take a look at some brekkie ideas that are not only great for your health, but also taste amazing.


Think you can’t have something delicious and sweet for your breakfast? The good news is that you can with this luscious overnight protein oat recipe!

This packs in plenty of fibre and protein to keep you fuller for longer, plus it’s low in sugar. That adds up to a great insulin-friendly breakfast.




Yes, you can even have pancakes! I recommend that if you have insulin resistance, you serve these with a high-protein topping such as Greek yoghurt or nut butter and some fresh berries.

These pancakes sneak in spinach, which is a great dietary source of magnesium. Magnesium can help to improve your insulin sensitivity, so you want to get a good dose of it every day.




Need something you can throw together quickly and eat on the run? This breakfast wrap is one of my favourite quick meals to make for breakfast. It takes just 5 minutes to cook, then you simply wrap the ingredients up and you’re done! 

The high protein and fibre content make it a great option for insulin resistance.




I don’t know about you, but I find it so satisfying to have a meal that not only tastes great, but also looks amazing as well. This parfait is a cute little stacked breakfast option that you can prep in advance or make fresh.

It might be simple, but it ticks the boxes ‘high in protein and fibre’ and ‘low in sugar’. 




Want to get your vegetables in first thing? A veggie frittata is one of the easiest ways to add them in. This recipe is easy to adapt based on the veg that you have in your fridge, so feel free to get a little creative with it.

The high protein content plus the fibre from veg help to keep your blood sugar levels steadier for longer.

PS – this can also make a great lunch or even dinner when you feel like something low in effort but high in nutrition!




If you need to prep your breakfast in advance or eat it on the run, these muffins are your new best friend. You can tweak these based on what you have at home – you could sub in a different vegetable or throw in some leftover meat or tofu to make it heartier. 

With a good hit of protein and only 1g of sugar, it makes for a great speedy breakfast option.




Looking for something to fill you up on a chilly morning? Protein oats tick the boxes of warm, nourishing, satiating and tasty. 

This recipe includes fibre-rich oats and pears as well as a source of protein. But the secret is in the spices – cinnamon, nutmeg and vanilla all help to reduce high blood sugar levels.




Some people who have insulin resistance might look at a low-carb or keto diet (you can learn more about these diets here). If that’s the case, this is a great breakfast option to try out.

With just 11g of net carbs plus plenty of protein and fibre, this simple breakfast combo will keep you satiated for hours. Plus you’re also ticking off two serves of veggies for the day!



Insulin resistance is just one of the challenges you tackle when you have polycystic ovarian syndrome, or PCOS. Acne, weight gain, fatigue and bloating are all issues you can struggle with if you have PCOS. 

But you don’t just have to put up with these symptoms. You can say goodbye to feeling exhausted and unhappy and hello to feeling incredible!


In The PCOS Action Plan, you will find answers you have been looking for!

I created the Action Plan because I receive many questions from women who are confused about what steps to take next when it comes to treating their PCOS.

There is SO much misinformation on the internet and it can be frustrating and overwhelming when you’re not sure what to eat, you don’t know what exercise to do, and you’re just trying to get on with your life and feel healthy in your body!


Hey there, I’m Rachel!


Here I share healthy recipe ideas, training plans, and nutrition & wellness advice you need to know.

Check out my free guide to healthy eating to design your own version of a healthy lifestyle so that you can feel energised and vibrant, or hire me to work my magic on your health through mindset, nutrition, and movement.


While we make every effort to make sure the information in this website is accurate and informative, the information does not take the place of medical advice.

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